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Multi USB chargers  (7)

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Help zone

Which mains charger should you buy for a smartphone?

Before buying a mains charger, check the maximum charging power of your mobile phone (this parameter is given in watts). Also pay attention to the number of connectors on the charger - this way you choose a device that is convenient to use. You can find the most popular models at the following link: How to choose the right phone charger?

Before buying a mains charger, check the maximum charging power of your mobile phone (this...

How to choose a charger for a smartphone, tablet or e-book reader?

When selecting the charger for your tablet or e-book reader, you should check the settings of the original charger. For smartphones, you should choose a charger and a suitable cable (Micro-USB, Lightning or USB-C).

When selecting the charger for your tablet or e-book reader, you should check the settings of the...

Does the charger have a quick charge function?

It's very easy to check if the charger has a fast charge feature - it happens if the device has a green USB connector. This is a sign that the charger is charging your phone quickly.

It's very easy to check if the charger has a fast charge feature - it happens if the device...

Does the charger have a quick charge function?

It's very easy to check if the charger has a fast charge feature - it happens if the device has a green USB connector. This is a sign that the charger is charging your phone quickly.

It's very easy to check if the charger has a fast charge feature - it happens if the device...
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 items