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Return, replacement or warranty

Have you bought a product, but it does not meet your expectations or has suffered a defect? You have the right to a refund or a replacement.

30 day return policy

How to claim a 30 day return?

  1. Fill out the return form, this will speed up the process of the return.
  2. After submitting the form, our customer service will receive an automatic message from you with all the necessary information.
  3. The customer service will inform you how to proceed with your claim in the reply email to the automatic message.
  4. You will receive the money no later than 14 days after we receive your order.


We do our best to ensure that our products are of the highest quality. We want the purchased products to work faultlessly for the entire life cycle. However, in case of defects, we initiate the reclamation procedures referred to in the following points at the customer's request. We provide technical support via e-mail [email protected] and via phone number +44 808 196 5006

How to process the complaint

  1. Notify us of the defect preferably by e-mail. We encourage you to fill in the complaint form available here.
  2. Describe the defect in detail and your expectations about on how we should handle the complaint process.
  3. Our customer service department will contact you and give further instructions.
  4. In case of return of the product back to us we encourage you to attach the complaint form to the package. This will make it easier to identify the order and speed up the procedure.
  5. We encourage you to attach a proof of purchase - such as a receipt / VAT invoice to the package.


Every product sold by the online shop is covered by a quality guarantee. The warranty period is always given in the product description and is counted from the moment of its release. The online shop makes every effort to ensure that the offered products are of the highest quality and hopes that the purchased product will work without any failures. Lithium-ion batteries are subject to gradual wear and tear throughout their lifetime. Despite that, we assure you that our warranty policy allows 20% wear and tear and treats it as natural aging of the battery. Any consumption (reduction in real capacity) of more than 20% at the end of the warranty period in relation to the state at the time of receipt of the product is the basis for complaint. Detailed warranty conditions can be found in the store regulations.
Please check the condition of the package in the presence of the courier. In case of damage / missing parts, ask the courier to write a damage protocol.

Have you got any questions? Contact us!