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Payment Methods



Through PayPal you can comfortably pay with your favorite credit card: Visa, MasterCard, PayPal Prepaid Card, Postepay, Carta Aura. In payment methods choose PayPal to be redirected to the PayPal website. If you have not created your PayPal account yet, you can register or make payment as a guest.


Visa MasterCard

Card payment is one of the most convenient payment methods. A big advantage is the immediate speed of payment, regardless of the bank or payment date.



Pay with Braintree with VISA, Mastercard


Payment in advance

If you decide to pay in advance (bank transfer), you will receive our bank details after the ordering process has been successfully completed

In the intended use, we ask you to state the order number, which can be seen both on the last page of the ordering process and in the order confirmation.